Youth Development Team
Youth Development Manager
Kia ora! Steve Holmes here! I have been working with youth for about 25 years both as a youth worker and in youth development management. My job includes ensuring that all of our programmes achieve the best outcomes for our rangatahi.
I love my job, and get great satisfaction in working in a team whose focus is to help young people realise their value and take steps towards reaching their amazing potential.
More about SteveJoel
Youth Worker/ Kaiārahi
Kia ora! Joel King-Hazel here. I am one of the team members of the youth development team.
Our team is dedicated to creating programmes and projects for young people to take part in, that expand and challenge young people through activities.
More about JoelJay
Transitions Youth Worker
Kia ora Koutou!
Ko Ngapuhi | Ngati Porou toku Iwi x Ko Titirangi toku Maunga x Ko Arawa toku Waka x Ko Ngai Tupoto toku Marae
I’m Jay, Transitions Youth Worker supporting rangatahi into adulthood here at the Youth Centre!
More about JayKirsty
Youth Worker - Creative
Kia ora! Ko Kirsty ahau!
Born and bred in South Auckland, but Rotorua has been my home for the past 4 years.
More about Kirsty